LMUMC Church Board

A one-board system is a leadership structure in which all of the administrative and programmatic functions of the church are overseen by a single board of leaders.  This board, known as our Church Board, is responsible for setting the direction of the church, managing its finances, overseeing its various ministries, and coordinating the work of its committees and teams.

When Does the Church Board Meet?

The Church Board meets on the last Monday of each month at 6:30 PM in the IWB Room.

All church members are invited to attend our church board meeting. At the close of the open portion of the meeting, any non-board members will be asked to leave as we continue into the confidential Staff/HR portion of the meetings.

Below are the scheduled meetings, though please bear in mind that they are subject to change.

× UPDATE: The church board will not be meeting in the month of May. The next meeting will take place on June 24th.

Major Motions & Board Minutes

After each meeting, we will post a link to a PDF below explaining any major motions passed.

Please check back later for the latest minutes.

Meet Our Church Board