Sue Napier
Administrative Assistant & Handbell Director
Sue is the Administrative Assistant and Handbell Director at Lake Magdalene Church. She has a Master’s Degree in Social and Behavioral Sciences from the University of South Florida (Go Bulls!). Her grandfather was a United Methodist minister and her family has always been active in the churches they attended. She has three children, ages 42, 39, and 17. Her youngest, Evan, is adopted. Before coming to Lake Magdalene Church, Sue and her late husband (married for 38 years) owned a process-serving business for over 25 years. She spent the remainder of her working life in the legal field. She has attended Lake Magdalene for over twenty years and has been a member of the Handbell Choir for over twelve years. She also belongs to a professional handbell group, the Suncoast Bronze Ringers, who perform in various locations throughout the year.