Plan your visit

Experience Faith.
Find Community.
Feel at Home.

We’re so glad you’re interested in visiting Lake Magdalene Church! Whether you’re new to church or looking for a new church home, we want your first visit to be welcoming and stress-free.

Here’s everything you need to know before you come!

Service Times

Traditional Worship

8:45 AM & 10:00 AM in the Sanctuary

A choir-led worship experience featuring beloved hymns, liturgy, and scripture-based messages.

Contemporary Worship

11:15 AM in Heritage Hall

A vibrant, modern service led by our contemporary worship band, featuring a relevant message and authentic worship.

Spanish Worship

11:30 AM in the Sanctuary

A dynamic, spirit-filled service entirely in Spanish, celebrating faith through music and message.

Un servicio dinámico y lleno de espíritu completamente en español, que celebra la fe a través de la música y el mensaje.

What to Expect

Friendly Atmosphere

Come as you are! Whether you prefer jeans and a t-shirt or your Sunday best, you'll feel right at home.

Engaging Worship

Our services include heartfelt worship, inspiring messages, and opportunities to grow in faith.

Kids & Youth

We offer safe, fun, and faith-filled programs for children of all ages during our 10 AM & 11:15 AM services.

Kids & Youth

We love having families worship together! Your children are always welcome to join you in the service. However, we also offer fun, engaging experiences designed just for them:

  • Nursery (0-2): A safe and loving environment available during all Sunday services.

  • Kids Sunday School (Pre-K-5th Grade): Interactive Bible lessons, music, and activities during the 10 AM & 11:15 AM service.

  • Youth Group (6th-12th Grade): Middle and high school students gather together at 10 AM for Bible study, fun activities, and time to connect with one another.

If you have a little one who needs a break, we also have a Cry Room in the Sanctuary where you can tend to your child while still watching and listening to the service.

Get Connected

Ready to check out Lake Magdalene Church in person? We can’t wait to meet you! Let us know you’re coming by filling out our Plan Your Visit form below!